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Online coaching specialising in female transformations

A balanced attitude to female hormone health and fitness.

About Stacey Cruickshank

I have been working within the fitness industry for over 15 years, to me experience means knowledge and knowledge means power.
I have worked with hundreds of women towards achieving their health and fitness goals, and no one client is ever the same which is what I love about my job.

I myself have been into fitness since i was old enough to go to a gym. I love lifting weights, I have previously been a runner, even marathons have been ticked off the list.

I’ve competed in two bikini competitions in 2014/15. Anything I set my mind to, I will never give up until I have achieved my goal. Mindset to me is the key to success, and I always implement this into my coaching with my clients too. I worked in private fitness and wellness for 6 years before starting up self employed. I have never looked back!
15+ years experience coaching (PT and Online)
Level 3 GP Referral
Level 4 Obesity and Weight Management
Ante / Post Natal
Female hormone health
Managing PCOS and weight loss
Managing Endometriosis and weight loss
Managing the menopause and weight loss
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What's included?

Online coaching

Personalised training plan via an online app, which can be synced with your health watch and calorie counting apps.
Personalised Nutrition Plan and macro guidance. Nutrition to me is an ongoing process. I will find a way to fit a ‘plan’ into your life the best way that we can. It won't be dull, boring or repetitive.
You will receive a dedicated check in day weekly, where we will assess how your week has gone and plan out how we should tackle your next week the best way possible.
Direct support from Stacey via WhatsApp when needed, Access to the CBS WhatsApp group also.
Form feedback to ensure your training is in the best place for you personally, along with personalised video feedback at your check in day.
Coached By Stacey is a Team Community, where you will have access to our personalised Circle Platform where you can chat to other team members about your week, educate yourself with resources, and take inspiration from weekly recipes and challenges which are unique to CBS members only.
CBS Private Group
Hormonal Health
Supporting female clients through various hormonal health issues.
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Proven, consistent results.

Client Testimonials

"Before signing up to online coaching with Stacey, I felt stuck in a cycle of trying fad diets and diet products which never helped long term or made me feel any better. I was sceptical about signing up to an online coaching service as I didn’t know how it would fit into my busy lifestyle, especially as I work different shifts each week. I’ve been working with Stacey online now for almost a year - and it has completely changed my life. It felt instantly tailored to fit my lifestyle, and it constantly evolves with me. Initially I went to her for weight loss, but it has been so much more than that in the past year. I have gained so much confidence in myself, gained so much knowledge of nutrition and the gym. After feeling happy with the weight loss achieved, we’re now working on making me stronger and Stacey has been the best guidance through this. She is always there for support, and I genuinely look forward to our weekly check-ins. Best decision I ever made was signing up to CBS online coaching 🧡"
Online Coaching Client
"I have been working with Stacey since January 2022 (the second time.. She cant get rid of me) and my life has improved in all aspects. I feel happier in my head and in my skin. I have more control over my response to stress and emotions. I have often previously reached for food and binged therefore my health and my weight were not ideal. I now have more knowledge and understanding of what my body NEEDS and how to be more disciplined/have structure. Fitness wise I am now much more confident in using the gym. I still have work to do to reach my goals but I know with Stacey’s guidance I will get there.
Online coaching benefits anyone who thinks they don’t have time! It is the easiest way to fit coaching into your life. The weekly check-ins are motivational and supportive. And for me, having someone to check in helps with accountability mostly. Also having everything documented is so helpful! It’s easier to track progress and see how far you’ve come. I cant thank Stacey enough for her help and guidance so far."
Online Coaching Client
"Stacey had asked me to write a wee testimonial for her, but I honestly don’t know where to begin. The benefits of working with Stacey certainly can’t be described as ‘wee’ - it’s the best thing I have ever done. I’ve spent years devoting my entire life to my career: a demanding office job where I can sit for 12+ hours a day, barely moving. I’d come home from the office, order a takeaway without a second thought, and repeat day in, day out. Throughout 2022, I realised how much I’d let this get to me both physically and mentally. I was so unhappy with my body and felt so self conscious and disgusted in myself. I had stumbled across Stacey on Instagram and finally decided to reach out to learn a bit more about what she could offer and now, I would never, ever look back.

I have learnt so much since working with Stacey, but most importantly that the small day to day changes really build up and can make all the difference. I have lost over 10kg in 5-6 months, but have still maintained a social life and enjoyed eating out and drinking alcohol over the weekends. Everyone’s body and lifestyle is so different but that’s where Stacey comes in: she will set goals and targets that are achievable, non-restrictive and sustainable, but equally challenging and educational. I truly enjoy my life and the balance I’ve created and, each week, we just look to build on this. Some weeks are far from perfect but having Stacey on hand for encouragement and advice, and to hold me accountable every Monday morning makes the world of difference and has led to my transformation to date. I’m nowhere near finished yet, and I know I can achieve so much more but that’s why Stacey’s coaching is so valuable. It’s not a ‘quick results in 12 weeks’ programme (but these can be achieved with the right amount of effort!). Stacey is a friend, a mentor and a coach who understands that these huge lifestyle changes take time to adjust to, and she will guide you in the best way to get to where you want to be."
"I have been doing online coaching with Stacey for about 18months and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made! When I’ve done PT before it’s always been face to face so I was sceptical of online coaching, but it’s the best results I’ve ever had and it’s long term! Previous PT has always just ended up being quick fixes and hasn’t lasted. With Stacey not only has my body changed physically, my mindset has changed a lot, I feel a lot happier and having a good daily routine has given me a better life balance. I have gained a lot of knowledge on nutrition and see food as fueling my body now, previously I would have been restricted when trying to lose fat as that was what was done through previous PT which would end up in me feeling hungry, lacking energy and unmotivated. Being able to have a plan that is flexible and works around my lifestyle with two young kids is brilliant.

Online coaching works so well into my lifestyle, For example there’s not pressure to be at a 1:1 PT on time, I can plan my gym sessions around my kids and work. I’ve done PT before and my experience with Stacey is by far the best one! Don’t underestimate online coaching, my journey with Stacey has given me so much knowledge and skills. It’s changed my life in so many positive ways! Stacey isn’t just an online coach, she is so invested and personal to her clients that she makes you feel like you can talk to her about all aspects of your life. I always look forward to our weekly check ins, they are so refreshing and motivating! I got married this year and the way I felt in my wedding dress was unreal, I never imagined getting married and feeling so fit and healthy! Stacey even went to the effort of sending me a lovely message on my wedding morning
Every training session has variety, it keeps me interested. So glad I found Stacey!!"
"Everything has improved so much because I’m in a much better head space. It’s given me a great structure and routine around which I can build everything else which has made me overall so much happier in all that I do. I can’t believe the difference it’s made. I feel so much happier and confident in my clothes too!
If you’re thinking of working with Stacey online…Do it!!! You could spend that money on other insignificant things each month but I’d urge anyone to invest in themselves. It makes you so much happier and without that nothing else matters."
"Stacey has improved my relationship with food beyond anything I thought possible - before training with Stacey I was trying to lift heavy weights in the gym at less than 1500 calories. Stacey has helped me overcome my negative relationship with food, she’s transformed my mindset and made me believe in myself and my ability more than i ever could have imagined. I have changed career, taken up new hobbies, and pushed myself in ways i couldnt ever have previously. Working with Stacey doesnt only transform your strength and physique goals, it changes your life."
"Before starting with Stacey, I struggled with confidence in the gym, knowing what macros/calories I should be having and generally having a plan of what exercise I should do when I went to the gym. I had many personal trainers in the past, but didn't feel I could function without someone being by my side in the gym telling me what to do. My training and nutrition habits are like night and day, as well as my physique. I initially struggled with the volume of food as I was used to eating high calories foods. with advice, planning and tracking I hit my macro/calorie target. I finally feel comfortable and confident in the gym completing the programme Stacey provided. If I am ever unsure of anything, Stacey is always on hand to answer queries throughout the week, to provide tips or review progress videos. My confidence has grown so much too, I never thought I would be able to walk into a gym on my own and complete anything other than a spin class (where I hid in the further corner to avoid people seeing me). When you join up to an online PT, you are never sure what you will receive if you don't see someone face to face, but from the minute I joined, I had more support, advice and motivation than I could have ever imagined or had done previously. Thank you Stacey."
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New to online coaching?

Online Coaching benefits

It’s more cost efficient than Personal Training
Training times can be more flexible to you
You can work with an online coach from anywhere in the world, if you can't find one suitable to you within your area work with a coach online who can cater to your goals properly
Online coaching looks at several aspects of your daily life, from nutrition, to sleep patterns, to mindset and motivation. More than you would receive from a weekly PT session
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